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Curso de Inglês Kultivi 2.0

Leve seu Inglês ao próximo nível. Neste curso de Inglês você vai evoluir de forma fácil e natural, com as aulas e materiais didáticos exclusivos, dicas e resolução das principais dúvidas dos alunos.

Vantagens em aprender com a Kultivi ;)

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Exercícios e materiais de apoio

Sobre o curso

Curso de inglês com carga horária de 72 horas. Organização de aulas sequenciais, com nova roupagem, e material didático diferente. 

Aulas com as principais dúvidas do curso antigo. Links de estudo ligando exercícios de prática do curso antigo. Novos temas gramaticais abordados.

Sobre a metodologia

Um novo curso de inglês, mas com o professor que os Kultivers já conhecem e amam. Novos conteúdos, dicas, exemplos, explicações e atividades para você aprender Inglês de forma leve e divertida.

Dicas para você estudar em casa sozinho (espalhadas no decorrer do curso). Algumas aulas totalmente em inglês. Aulas sobre músicas e trechos de séries e filmes.

Em momentos iniciais do curso, metodologia híbrida variante entre a linguística comparativa e o Communicative Approach visando a prática principalmente oral.

Sobre o Professor

Professor Rui Ventura, Conceituado Professor de inglês, com mais de 25 anos na área e método próprio de ensino baseado em experiências obtidas nas maiores redes de escola de línguas do Brasil

Siga o Professor




Aulas do curso

  • Introduction Inglês 2.022m
  • Names16m
  • Names 2 - Other Names13m
  • Titles10m
  • The alphabet15m
  • Spelling30m
  • Greetings 112m
  • Greetings 220m
  • Basic Family Tree23m
  • Basic Family Tree 222m
  • Introductions 2.024m
  • Occupations 2.006m
  • What's your occupation?18m
  • What's her occupation? (third person)09m
  • Countries and Nationalities - the research04m
  • Countries and Nationalities - the questions16m
  • Countries and Nationalities (third person)13m
  • Asking about Nationalities30m
  • Do you speak Portuguese?17m
  • Does he speak Portuguese?14m
  • Where do you live?13m
  • Where does he live?08m
  • Numbers 0 - 1010m
  • What´s your phone number?14m
  • What´s her phone number?13m
  • What's your address?16m
  • What's your email address?10m
  • Numbers - 11 - 100009m
  • Numbers - How to say13m
  • How old are you?14m
  • Ordinal Numbers11m
  • Months of the year09m
  • Days of the week 2.007m
  • When were you born?08m
  • When was she born?10m
  • Where were we born?08m
  • Dialogue - your personal data12m
  • Dialogue - her personal data11m
  • Now It's about you05m
  • Tell me about your mother05m
  • End of unit 1 - What should I do now?07m

  • Daily Routines 1 - research05m
  • Daily Routines 2 - research04m
  • Daily Routines 1 - details10m
  • Daily Routines 2 - details15m
  • About the time - vocabulary09m
  • Telling the time - part 108m
  • Telling the time - part 210m
  • Telling the time - part 3 - some details07m
  • Telling the time - practice06m
  • Asking if It's time12m
  • Do you wake up at 7?16m
  • Does he wake up at 7?12m
  • What time do you...?12m
  • What time does she...?08m
  • What time does she...? speaking10m
  • What time...? Listening11m
  • What time ...? check, listen and repeat09m
  • Frequency Adverbs07m
  • Frequency Expressions10m
  • Means of transportation Inglês 2.005m
  • Before e after09m
  • Before and after aula prática07m
  • Some extra activities11m
  • How often do you...?14m
  • How often does he...?19m
  • Simple Present + homework20m
  • Simple present - correção13m
  • To be Simple Present + Homework14m
  • To be simple present - correção14m
  • Short Answers + online exercises13m
  • Dialogue: How often do you...?03m
  • Dialogue: How often do you...? practice11m
  • Dialogue: How often does he ...?04m
  • How often does he...? Prática diálogo11m
  • The end? Unit 208m
  • Did you listen to my last advice?12m

  • Introdução Unit 307m
  • Making Phone Calls14m
  • Leaving a message23m
  • Leaving a message - Let's practice!09m
  • Vocabulary Entertainment10m
  • Are you free tonight?15m
  • Are you free tonight? - practice14m
  • Inviting people to do things14m
  • Inviting people to do things - practice11m
  • Entertainment Conversation08m
  • Talking about movies | kinds of movies06m
  • Talking about movies |some sentences to practice15m
  • Talking about movies | favorites13m
  • Talking about movies | some reading06m
  • Talking about movies | just a tool17m
  • Musical instruments10m
  • Talking about music |some reading08m
  • Talking about music: Opinion about people15m
  • Talking about music: bonus class10m
  • Opinions about people | adjectives11m
  • Talking about music: Who is who?09m
  • Talking about music: dialogue11m
  • Let's go out for lunch?09m
  • Let's go out for lunch?: practice sentences10m
  • Let's go out for lunch! Meals08m
  • Meals: Breakfest09m
  • Meals: Lunch11m
  • Meals: What about some cooking?05m
  • Going to a restaurant07m
  • Going to a restaurant WAITER vs CUSTOMER15m
  • Going to a restaurant: The dialogue13m
  • Going to a restaurant: the next three classes03m
  • Leave in the comments09m
  • Inglês com Música17m
  • Places in Town - Is there a hotel near here?14m

  • Places in Town - Intro06m
  • Places in Town - Part 109m
  • Places in Town - Part 215m
  • Places in Town - Part 312m
  • Places in Town - Part 414m
  • Places in Town - Part 512m
  • Places in Town - Part 612m
  • Places in Town - Part 712m
  • Places in Town - Your Turn Now12m
  • Places in Town - Is there a hotel near here?14m
  • Places in Town - There to be12m
  • Places in Town - There to be: more details07m
  • Places in Town - There To Be vs To Have03m
  • Places in town - there to be vs to have - exercises correction09m
  • Places in Town - There To Be - Tenses07m
  • Places in Town - Where is the hotel?11m
  • Places in town - Where is the hotel? The answers17m
  • Places in Town - Where is the Hotel? Best answers16m
  • Places in town - Directions 110m
  • Places in town - Directions 207m
  • Places in town - Directions 319m
  • Places in Town - Directions 4 - Your Turn07m
  • Places in Town: Directions - Some Dialogues20m

  • Introduction03m
  • Show me the floor plan 111m
  • Show me floor - plan 2 | Some Other Places16m
  • Bedroom Vocabulary04m
  • Bedroom Vocabulary - Key14m
  • Bathroom Vocabulary03m
  • Bathroom Vocabulary - Key10m
  • Living Room Vocabulary04m
  • Living Room Vocabulary - Key05m
  • Kitchen Vocabulary04m
  • Kitchen Vocabulary - Key06m
  • Some Exercises - In the House01m
  • Desafio Inglês10m